Monday, January 28, 2008

Notes from the Weekend, Part I

I spent the weekend sequestered away from the world, including the world of politics. I had a vague notion that something of consequence was going on in South Carolina, but it interested me not at all. My fervor for presidential nominating politics has ebbed substantially the past week or so, most likely due to the knowledge that the Republicans will almost certainly nominate either John McCain, whose policies are bad almost across the board, or Mitt Romney, who is better on policy but inspires not in the least. My guy Rudy, alas, appears to be fading fast.

Hillary took quite a beating I see, and that pleases me to no end. But what did Obama win? Is he now ‘the black candidate’ rather than the inspirational uniter he passes himself off as? If that’s the case, he gained a few delegates in South Carolina, but he lost the nomination. If not, if the electorate has really had it with the Clintons and their low, dishonest ways, then maybe we’ll remember South Carolina as the final straw. There is a chance we may - it appears some Democrats are now shocked, shocked, that the Clinton’s may not be very nice people after all.

Gee, who knew?

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