Saturday, July 12, 2008

The 68 million acre lie

To follow up on my last post, the main (the only?) Democratic party talking point against new drilling is that the oil companies already have drilling leases on 68 million acres of land but have not touched it, so why should be we allow ANWR and off-shore drilling?
"I want you to think about this," Barack Obama said in Las Vegas last week. "The oil companies have already been given 68 million acres of federal land, both onshore and offshore, to drill. They're allowed to drill it, and yet they haven't touched it – 68 million acres that have the potential to nearly double America's total oil production."

The Wall Street Journal has offered Obama and other Democrats who spew this nonsense some remedial education. Read the whole thing so you're not mislead by politicians who want to keep you ignorant.

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