Monday, February 8, 2010


We didn’t need two feet of snow in D.C. - with another foot on the way - to finally realize that the global warming hoax is coming to an end. The evidence that is has been simply that – a hoax - has been piling up for months now, if not years.  As it is, the blizzard of 2010 only goes to show that the globe is not warming but cooling, and it has been for a decade.  The weather is changeable and unpredictable – who’da thunk it?

The news of global warming’s collapse has been coming so fast and furious that it’s hard to keep up with it all.  This column in the Globe and Mail does an excellent job of summing up the recent scandals that have exposed this farce:

And now, the science scandals just keep on coming. First there was the vast cache of e-mails leaked from the University of East Anglia, home of a crucial research unit responsible for collecting temperature data. Although not fatal to the science, they revealed a snakepit of scheming to keep contradictory research from being published, make imperfect data look better, and withhold information from unfriendly third parties. If science is supposed to be open and transparent, these guys acted as if they had a lot to hide.

Despite widespread efforts to play down the Climategate e-mails, they were very damaging. An investigation by the British newspaper The Guardian – among the most aggressive advocates for action on climate change – has found that a series of measurements from Chinese weather stations were seriously flawed, and that documents relating to them could not be produced.

Meantime, the IPCC – the body widely regarded, until now, as the ultimate authority on climate science – is looking worse and worse. After it was forced to retract its claim about melting glaciers, Mr. Pachauri dismissed the error as a one-off. But other IPCC claims have turned out to be just as groundless.

Read the whole thing.  I have been arguing for years that “global warming” is (was?) a myth perpetrated upon a gullible public for reasons that have nothing to do with concern for the environment.  Rather, the leftists who push this nonsense are simply looking for a back-door, a trojan horse, to implement government policies that exert more control over the way you live your life.  They hate capitalism and the creative chaos that comes with it because it allows individuals to make choices on their own initiative regarding how life should be lived.  And that simply cannot be tolerated.  The very essence of left-liberalism is that certain self-appointed elites should make these decisions for you.  They know better than you.  You shall not drive this type of car; you shall not use this type of light bulb; you shall not keep your thermostat above this temperature; you shall not live in a house larger than this size; you shall recycle; you shall not ask for plastic bags at the grocery store – the commandments of the global warming gods go on and on.  But remember what I stated above: they have nothing to do with a concern for the environment.  They have to do with running your life.

The same thing goes for health care.  The leftists who argue for a public option are not concerned about your health, nor are they concerned with lowering the cost you pay for the same services, all else being equal.  They want public policies put into place so they can control your life in the manner they see fit: you shall not smoke; you shall not eat this or that food; you shall exercise daily; you shall keep your cholesterol levels below this number; we’ll decide when and why you can see a doctor; we’ll decide at which point you become more of a burden to society than we can justify. 

Remember, it’s all about control and the leaders of these efforts are the mini-totalitarians who would do the controlling.  We seem to have dodged the health care bullet for the time being and now global warming is dying a much-deserved death.  Obamaism has been thoroughly rejected by the American public and the conservatives who were in the wilderness a year ago are now getting a public hearing.  So I ask: Is the world coming to its senses?

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